Typically ships in 2-3 business daysTypically ships in 2-3 business daysTypically ships in 2-3 business daysTypically ships in 2-3 business daysTypically ships in 2-3 business days
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The Champion foam plyo boxes are a must-have training tool for explosive jump training and plyometric drills. These boxes are available in a variety of heights, and feature Velcro® flaps to keep the boxes in place when stacked. The boxes feature a large 30"W x 36"L landing surface for training drills. The core of these boxes is constructed of 100% premium density EVA foam that will not break down or soften over time. The foam is then covered in a layer of heavy-duty 1,000D black vinyl fabric. The boxes also feature handles for easy carrying and repositioning.
Typically ships in 2-3 business daysTypically ships in 2-3 business daysTypically ships in 2-3 business daysTypically ships in 2-3 business daysTypically ships in 2-3 business days
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