Typically ships in 3-4 business daysTypically ships in 3-4 business daysTypically ships in 3-4 business daysTypically ships in 3-4 business days
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The OBO ROBO Plus field hockey goalie leg guards feature a higher and wider saving face that gives goalies more coverage, and a flat surface that enables a more predictable rebound. The wider and higher saving area allows goalkeepers to get touches on the balls they couldn't previously reach. A squarer inner that is close to the leg enables goalies to steer the ball exactly where they want it. The flat saving face helps to direct the ball down and wide, away from danger. The ROBO Plus is OBO's widest and lightest leg guards yet. The UltraStop inside allows the leg guards to be thinner, meaning they can sit closer to the leg making them feel even lighter still. Stronger reinforced wings and a single piece foam construction enhances durability. The OBO ROBO Plus leg guards allow goalies to stand up longer, react quicker, and handle rebounds more predictability.
Typically ships in 3-4 business daysTypically ships in 3-4 business daysTypically ships in 3-4 business daysTypically ships in 3-4 business days
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