Typically ships in 1-2 weeksTypically ships in 1-2 weeksTypically ships in 1-2 weeksTypically ships in 1-2 weeksTypically ships in 1-2 weeksTypically ships in 1-2 weeksTypically ships in 1-2 weeksTypically ships in 1-2 weeksTypically ships in 1-2 weeks
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Give your track and field events a professional look with the Gill NCAA raw single ring hammer and discus cage. This hammer and discus cage is constructed of eight aluminum poles with two galvanized steel door hinge poles, a 7 meter tall aluminum door, two different nets, and four hammer cage door braces. The aluminum poles are offered in various paint colors or in raw aluminum with no paint. The incluided nets consist of a 20' 6" main net and a 23' door net, both of which are made of weather treated nylon with a 749 lb break strength. This single ring hammer and discus cage has a five year warranty, and meets all NCAA specifications.
Typically ships in 1-2 weeksTypically ships in 1-2 weeksTypically ships in 1-2 weeksTypically ships in 1-2 weeksTypically ships in 1-2 weeksTypically ships in 1-2 weeksTypically ships in 1-2 weeksTypically ships in 1-2 weeksTypically ships in 1-2 weeks
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