Typically ships in 3-4 business daysTypically ships in 3-4 business daysTypically ships in 3-4 business days
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The Kwik Goal Goalazo is an indoor or outdoor portable soccer goal suitable for small-sided games or training anywhere. This collapsable goal, designed to be taken up and down within seconds, requires no tool assembly. The goal folds flat for storage and comes with a carry bag to transport with ease. The Goalazo's heavy-duty aluminum frame is lightweight yet sturdy enough to withstand multiple shots without tipping over, and feature rubber foot pads to protect gym floors. This is the perfect practice goal to use in the backyard, at school, or at your soccer facility.
Typically ships in 3-4 business daysTypically ships in 3-4 business daysTypically ships in 3-4 business days
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