Baseball Pitching Machines
Take your baseball drills to the next level with our selection of versatile pitching machines. A baseball pitching machine is an essential tool to develop offensive and defensive aspects of the game. At Anthem Sports, we offer both manual and automatic pitching machines, perfect for batting practices, pop up catching drills, and other baseball training activities.
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A manual pitching machine is slightly different than the automatic counterpart, requiring a coach or teammate to feed the balls manually. Manual machines are completely spring-loaded and need no electricity. Our selection of baseball pitching machines includes a variety of equipment made by trusted brands, such as ATEC® Sports, JUGS®, Louisville Slugger®, and many more. Shop from our selection to find the ideal training tool today.
Baseball pitching machines have been used by professional athletes and coaches for decades as a means of helping their players improve timing and increase pitch recognition. We offer a variety of portable pitching machines made by JUGS® Sports, which is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of baseball training aids. Their machines are designed and affordably priced to suit any budget. Combo-pitching machines come with two sets of legs: a pair of long straight legs for baseball, and short curved legs for softball. They also offer small pitching machines that reach up to 75 miles per hour.
ATEC® Sports makes some of the most durable and top performing machines on the market. We offer both offensive and defensive models that are designed to train advanced levels of play, from college to professional. Some models feature a dual-durometer concave wheel that is engineered to increase the wheel's grip on the ball, which can maximize both pitch speed and accuracy. If you prefer a manual pitching machine, look no further than our Louisville Slugger® machine, which weighs only 25 pounds and throws a perfect pitch every time.
Let us know how we can help you get the most out of your equipment budget! Our skilled staff can help you choose the right products for your unique program. Our strong national buying power allows us to offer quantity discounts. If you have any questions about our baseball pitching machine selection or would like to get a quote for your team, please call Anthem Sports toll-free today at (800) 688-6709 or email our sales department to learn more.