Typically ships in 3-4 business daysTypically ships in 3-4 business daysTypically ships in 3-4 business days
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The Kwik Goal player bench features a 10” W aluminum plank and can remain portable or can be anchored for a semi-permanent installation. Crafted with durability in mind this bench features a 10-inch wide anodized aluminum seating plank that will not corrode or rust. With the seating plank positioned 17 inches from the ground, spectators can enjoy comfortable seating throughout the game.The sturdy 2-inch square frame and and the angled braces provide stability while the plastic end caps neatly finish off the planks for safety. Whether for clubs, schools, or sports facilities, the Kwik Goal player bench offers a reliable and comfortable seating option for any field setting.
Typically ships in 3-4 business daysTypically ships in 3-4 business daysTypically ships in 3-4 business days
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